September 2015 Horoscopes by Burlington Psychic Frances


VIRGO:   BEST DAYS:  2-3-12-13-22-23-30
A long-term cycle of happiness and prosperity is in store for you.  So it is fitting that the blockages to this (internal or external) get blasted away.  Two eclipses this month will clear your path.  This is going to produce a redefinition of your personality and image.  You are going to think differently about yourself and will want others to think differently too.  You will project a richer, more successful type of image.  The many revelations you’ve had over the past few months are behind it.  You change your spiritual practice, attitudes, teachers and perhaps teachings.  Part of it has to do with dramatic events that can occur in the life of your mentor.  Sometimes it is due to shake-ups in a spiritual or charitable organization you’re involved with.  It will be a good idea to reduce your schedule during this period.  This eclipse can bring encounters with death – although not necessarily physical death.  They can be near-death kinds of experiences – close calls – or the deaths of people you know.  Often people have dreams of death.  The dark angel comes calling.  He lets you know that he is around.  He is there to remind you that life here on Earth is short (especially in cosmic terms) – a blink of the eye.  There is no time to waste.  We must be doing something meaningful with our lives.  Sometimes surgery happens or is recommended under this kind of eclipse.  As always be sure to get a second opinion.   Every lunar eclipse tests friendships and brings drama to the lives of friends.  This too is part of the cosmic reshuffling going on.  The chess pieces are being moved on the board.  A new phase of the game is commencing for you.  Computers and high-tech equipment also get tested and often need repair or replacement. It would be a good idea to have your important files backed up before the eclipse period begins.   Overall health and energy are still good this month, don’t burn the candle at both ends, there’s no need.

LIBRA:   BEST DAYS:  4-5-6-14-15-24-25
In spite of all the excitement, many nice positive things are happening for you. There will be great easing of the financial pressures, and bringing clarity to your personal affairs.  Health and energy are good this month as well.  The solar eclipse of the 13th brings about change in your spiritual life – your outlook, opinions, attitudes and practice.  These changes are not surprising.  New revelation, new understanding comes to you and this change is just natural.  Shake ups in a charity or spiritual organization that you are involved with. The spiritual people in your life experience life- changing dramas.  Friendships will get tested also.  Back up and protect all your important files and make sure your anti-virus, anti-hacking software is up to date.  It won’t hurt to reduce your schedule a bit, take it easy for a few days.  Stressful activities, especially if they are elective, would be better off rescheduled.  Unresolved issues – things that have been swept under the rug – now come up for cleansing.  If there are hidden flaws in your relationship you find out about them now and can take steps to correct them.  Good relationships will survive this, but flawed ones can go down the tubes.  Be more patient with the beloved (and friends) during this period.  They are more high strung and temperamental.  Often an eclipse indicates shake-ups at the top in the corporate hierarchy.  There are also changes in your industry or profession.  Sometimes the government agency that regulates your industry or profession changes the rules and its policy.  People involved in your career experience life-changing kinds of dramas – bosses, parents or parent figures likewise.   All of this will work out in the end but while the events happen, it can be uncomfortable 

SCORPIO:   BEST DAYS:  7-8-17-18-26-27
You are still working long hours and fending off the competition.  Two things matter in the career now – your social connections and your work ETHIC.  Both seem equally important.  There will be much change and upheaval.  People (and nations) were given the gift of free will.  Too often this free will gets abused plans, projects or institutions are made that are not in line with the cosmic will.  The function of the eclipses is to shatter these things.  Friendships will get tested.  Electricity supply could be unstable.  Changes of various kinds will occur.  Most of the time such change involves alterations in the rules and the approach:  shake-ups in the corporate hierarchy.  Your strategy and tactics need to change.  Flaws in your present thinking get revealed now.  Avoid risky activities.  Sometimes such an eclipse produces a health scare and changes in the dietary or health regimes.   Health seems to be better this month than last month. So any health scare is most likely nothing morethan a scare.  

SAGITTARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  1-9-10-19-20-28-29
Last month brought a lot of change, and this month brings even more. The state condemns buildings that are shaky or damaged.  The collapse of a shaky building is dramatic and unpleasant while it’s happening – a scary kind of thing.  But the end result is often good.  Shaky career edifices (plans, projects or strategies) get demolished.  For you this will be a very good thing – and you will see it is so when the excitement dies down.  The barriers to your success and further progress are being brought low.  Often heads roll in your company or industry.  Dramatic events will be happening.  Foreign travel is not advisable during this period.  Students make changes to their educational plans.  There are shake-ups and upheavals in your place of worship also, and perhaps dramas in the lives of worship leaders or religious figures in your life.  Make sure you have a nice easy relaxed schedule for a few days before and after the eclipse.  You need to be taking it easier anyway until the 23rd, but especially over the eclipse period.  The spouse, partner or current love has a financial crisis or disturbance and is forced to make important changes.  Dreams of death or encounters with death should not alarm you.  These are love letters from the cosmos, urging you to get more serious in your life.

CAPRICORN:   BEST DAYS: 2-3-12-13-22-33-30
A very eventful month ahead, two eclipses ensure that.  Foreign travel is on the cards but try to schedule trips around this period.  For students (at college level or above) this indicates changes in educational plans and strategy.  You may have to deal with a ‘crisis of faith’.  Your philosophical and religious belief system gets tested and will probably be revised of ‘fine tuned’ over the next six months.  Many dramas will occur in this area.  You may also have encounters with death.  Sometimes this is near-death experience.  Often there are dreams of death.  The cosmos forces you to confront this issue and to come to terms with it.  If you are involved in estate, tax or insurance issues, these move forward now.  Hidden flaws in the family relationship get revealed so that they can be dealt with.  Are there skeletons in the closet?  Now is when you find out about them.  The same is true with the physical home.  If there are flaws there you find out about them now and you can take corrective action.  The beloved (as well as family members) is more tightly wound this period – more high strung.  So be more patient with them.  There’s no need to make matters worse than they are.  Health and energy become delicate after the 23rd.  Make sure you get enough rest.  If you are scheduling medical check-ups or tests, it might be better to do them before the 17th.

AQUARIUS:   BEST DAYS:  1-8-9-18-19-27-28
Two eclipses shake up the world this month, but you seem relatively unscathed.  Encounters with death (not literal death) or near-death kinds of experiences may happen at this time.  Sometimes it signals surgery or the recommendation of surgery.  People often have dreams of death.  These are friendly reminders from the cosmos to get more serious about life and to do what you came here to do (if you don’t know what this might be, it’s worth taking the time to find out).  Life on this planet is short and can end at any time.  Your love life has been super the past two months (and all year as well), so it is good that the marriage or relationship gets a little testing now with the eclipse.  If there are flaws in any relationship – perhaps things that were swept under the rug – you find out about them at this time and are in a position to deal with them.  Good relationships will easily survive and get even better once the ‘dirty laundry’ is dealt with.  Flawed relationships can end at this time.  Be sure to drive more carefully during this period.  Siblings, friends and/or neighbours have dramatic life changing experiences and these could be shake-ups in your neighbourhood as well.  Job changes may well occur. Those of you who employ others may see an employee turnover.  

PISCES:  BEST DAYS:  7-8-17-18-26-27
Changes will continue to happen this month.  This will be a tumultuous kind of month.  The two eclipses this month, are causing the entire ruckus.  You should be taking it easy until the 23rd.  Dramatic changes in the love life, a lot of impurities and obstructions need to be cleared away.  Lesser loves or imperfect relationships tend to fail now.  Good marriages and relationships will survive this testing.  You will be changing your image, new clothes, shoes, and a new haircut. You will be presenting a new you to the world. There may be a change in your job. This can be within your present company or situation or with another one.  Health will be delicate during this period.  Try a new health regime (exercise or diet) to snap you out of depressed mood.  |Major financial changes will cause you to rethink your financial opinions and strategy.  While this is usually not pleasant it is good.  You are in a position to make corrections.  These changes long needed to be made.  Cosmically speaking, this is like a violent storm happening.  While the storm rages, it is best to stay indoors and out of trouble.  

ARIES:  BEST DAYS: 1-9-10-19-20-28-29
There is a hectic and active month ahead, Aries, with lots and lots of changes going on.  Sometimes individuals are on the wrong track.  Sometimes we make plans that are not in our highest interest.  The eclipse comes and shatters these plans and we have little alternative but to get on the right track.  In this sense they are blessings, but they are not so pleasant while they are happening.  Job changes, disruptions at work, a change in the conditions of work and dramatic events in the lives of co-workers.  The job change should work out well.  You will find a better and higher paying job.  Health scares or health problems will cause important changes in the health regime.  Disruption around home and family will also occur.   Whatever has been left undone from the earlier eclipse gets done now.  Often we are forced to define and redefine ourselves because people are slandering and bad mouthing us.  False impressions get created and it is up to us to create the right one.  Make sure to take it easy during this period.  Avoid risk taking or high stress kinds of activities.  There can be a need for repairs to be made in the home.  Or perhaps you find unwelcome pests in the attic or basement.  Flaws get revealed so the corrective action can happen.  Family members will probably have dramas in their lives and life-changing kinds of experiences.

TAURUS:  BEST DAYS:  2-3-12-13-22-23-30
The stage is being set for greater happiness this month.  Bringing more self-confidence and self-esteem.  Love is starting to blossom now.  Health and energy are much improved.  Even the two eclipses this month will serve to break down barriers to your good.  The effects are not generally pleasant while they happen, but the end result is good.  Sometimes the cosmos has to employ dramatic methods to bring you your good.  It won’t hurt to take things easy over this period.  Avoid activities where you need 100 percent concentration-reschedule them for another time.  Those of you in the creative arts will see a shift in your creativity.  Speculations are not favourable during this period.  Changes in your spiritual practice and attitudes will usually occur during this period.  There are dramas in the lives of spiritual teachers or leaders.  You car and communication equipment will be tested.  It will be a good idea to drive more defensively during this period.  Accidents are likely to happen.  Health problems with a family member will cause a major change in their life.  In spite of all the drama, this is a fun kind of month and you should take advantage of it.  The pleasure and joy should be stronger than in previous years.  Some luck will come to you.  Try not to make important financial investments, decisions or major purchases until you have attained some mental clarity of the issues involved and your doubts are dissolved.

GEMINI:  BEST DAYS:  4-5-6-14-15-24-25
An eventful month ahead.  There are many shake-ups and changes happening now.  It is understandable that you fee directionless this month, especially after the 17th.  You should let the dust settle from the eclipses and gain mental clarity before making any major decisions.  Happy things can be just as disruptive as unpleasant things.  But there are other scenarios indicated too.  The birth of a child – either your own if you are of the appropriate age, or of someone else in the family.  This too is happy, but tends to make for big changes.  Family members can be more temperamental now, so be more patient with them.  Perhaps some flaw is found in the home and you are forced to renovate and enlarge the home.  The disruption becomes an opportunity for improvement.  Drive more defensively this period.  Siblings and sibling figures tend to be affected by solar eclipses too.  They bring drama into their lives and they are forced to redefine themselves, change their self-concept and image.  Radical changes to your neighbourhood will occur.  Often we see major construction happening, roads are closed or blocked, etc.  This period will test friendships.  Good ones will survive and get better.  Flawed ones could end.  Some of you may hear of the passing of people you have known over the years.  Important financial changes are happening.  They will be good ultimately, but usually not pleasant while they’re happening.  Health and energy are more delicate until the 23rd.  Make sure you get enough rest.

CANCER:   BEST DAYS:  7-8-17-18-26-27
A dramatic and eventful kind of month.  Disruption, turmoil, and change.  They bring events that can’t be ignored.  There’s no way to sweep these things under the rug.  They must be dealt with and they tend to take up much of our time and energy.  Still it won’t hurt to reduce your schedule and avoid stressful activities.  It might not be so mild for the people around you.  For students this eclipse can indicate a change of schools, a change of courses, or shake-ups in the administration of their school.  Cars or communication equipment may need replacement.  It will be a good idea to drive more carefully during this period.  It might also be a good idea to make sure you have a service contract or insurance for your smart phone.  Finance is a dynamic kind of thing, always changing, and it is good to go along with the changes.  These changes probably needed to be made a long time ago, but now the issue is forced.  Career changes will also be happening during this time.  Perhaps changing the rules of the game.  A redefinition of your personality and self-concept, as we have mentioned.  Once again you redefine yourself and change your wardrobe and ‘look’.  Health becomes more delicate after the 23rd.  Be sure to get enough sleep and rest.

LEO:   BEST DAYS:  1-9-10-19-20-28-29 
There’s a lot happening this month.  Mars moves into your money house on the 25 – a good financial signal.  Leo loves drama and excitement.  A day without drama is like a day without sunshine. Well you will certainly have plenty this month.  Important financial changes are happening.  My reading of this is that perhaps you have underestimated yourself financially and the eclipse is rectifying things.  The financial changes that you make (changes of thinking and strategy) will be good.  The eclipse is blasting way financial barriers and blockages.  The cosmos will do whatever it takes to remove these things and it can be quite dramatic.  There are life-changing events in the lives of the money people in your life.  Every solar eclipse brings a redefinition of your image, personality and self-concept and this one is no different.  This will be a six-month process.  By the end of it you will dress and accessorize differently.  You will project a new “look”.  So reduce your schedule and take it nice and easy during this period.  There is no need to tempt fate by indulging in risky or stressful activities.  For students at college level or above, it shows changes of schools, perhaps changes of courses, changes in the educational plans or curriculum.  Often there are shake-ups in the college.  If you are involved in legal matters, there is a dramatic move forward this period.  Action starts to happen here, one way or another.  In your chart it looks positive.  Life changing events in your spiritual attitude, visions and the dream life will be more active.  Do not put too much credibility in these; during an eclipse they may not be too reliable.  Foreign travel is not advisable at this time. 


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