May 2015 Horoscopes by Psychic Frances in Burlington, Ontario


TAURUS:  Best Days:  8-9-16-17-25-26-27
Focus more on the home, family and your emotional well-being.  It is time to regroup and get ready for the next career push in five months time.  Career is still important, feel where you want to be and imagine this state vividly and then let go and let your inner consciousness get to work on it.  You are in an excellent time to start new projects or launch new products into the world.  Both the universal and personal solar cycles are waxing now.  This month prosperity is even stronger than last month.  Your money house is very powerful this month.  This is a lot of financial power.  Earnings should soar now.  There will tend to be glitches and delays.  It is important that your financial transactions be as perfect as possible.  This will prevent some delays.  It probably won’t stop all of them but it will minimize them.  You probably won’t be able to avoid important financial decisions or major purchases either there is too much going on here, but you can do more homework on these things.

GEMINI:  Best Days:  1-2-10-11-18-19-28-29
It is a very good time to review your past year.  You begin a new cycle.  The past year is dead.  A new year begins.  So it is good to see what has and has not bee achieved, to atone for past mistakes and vow never to repeat them, and to formulate targets for the year ahead.  How much money would you like to make?  How would you go about doing this?  This will be a road map for the coming year.  Write your goals down and look at them every night before going to sleep.  Imagine that they have been attained.  You are at the height of your personal power and independence this month and the next.  Create happiness in your life.  Design your life according to your personal specifications.  The month ahead is basically happy.  You have plenty of energy and charisma.  Health should be good.  Self-confidence and self-esteem are much improved after the 21st. love life also improves at that time.

CANCER:   Best Days 3-4-12-13-21-22-30-31
Health and energy are much improved since the sun entered Taurus.  You are entering a cycle of personal independence and power.  You are in less need of other people.  Now is a time to give attention to your own interests.  It is time to have things your way, time to change conditions to your liking and to design your life according to your personal specifications.  Take advantage of this opportunity.  Later on in the year it will be more difficult to do.  You are in a social period not necessarily romantic, but social.  The focus is on friends, groups and group activities.  This is a period for gaining more knowledge about technology, science, astronomy and astrology.  There is financial opportunity here.  Friends seem financially supportive.  Many of your hopes and wishes are fulfilled now (especially in finance and your career).  When some goals are attained, new ones are formed.  Like career goals, they are rarely fully attained, but progress is made.   

LEO:   Best Days:  5-6-14-15-23-24
You are where you belong.  You are honoured and appreciated, not just for your professional achievements, but also for who you are.  Personal appearance seems a big issue in the career, so give it attention.  Health needs attention until the 21st when health and overall energy improve dramatically after this date.  Your needs and others’ needs need to be balanced.  You are neither dependent nor independent, but a mixture of the two.  Near the end of the month you enter a social period. Your focus is more on friendships and group activities.  This is an excellent period to enlarge your technology skills and knowledge, and for the study of science, astrology and astronomy.  Any deals that are present try to wrap them up before the 14thwhen mercury starts to go (retrograde) backwards again.  Finances are still good.  There could be delays and glitches, but your overall prosperity is strong.  Accessorize with gold – both the metal and the colour.  Now, you might want to add some blue also.  Blue has been a good colour for you since the beginning of the year.

VIRGO:   Best Days:  8-9-16-17-25-26-27
May is a very active and hectic sort of month, but a successful one.  Career is the main headline now.  You may not attain your career goals in their entirety, but you will see good progress made towards their fulfilment.  You will be closer to your objectives than you were a month ago.  There may be a bit of a slow down around the 14th.  Try to be perfect in your communications, in giving or receiving instructions, in conversations with others.  Miscommunication is the main career danger now.  You can advance your career by getting involved in charitable activities.  You are facing a lot of hard work and competition from others.  Make sure to schedule in rest and relaxation periods.  Let go of lesser things and keep your focus on what is really important.  Aches, pains and other symptoms can be caused by low energy levels.  Raise the energy level and they will disappear.  Finances are more delicate this month.  Basically, you have the financial favour of friends.  It will be very advantageous to be involved with trade or professional organizations from the 7th onwards.  There can be sudden expenses and sudden changes in your financial plans.  These are short-term problems, not trends for the year ahead.  Foreign travel is not advisable during this period.

LIBRA:   Best Days   1-2-10-11-18-19-28 29
Career has become important; you seem very successful these days. You are on top now.  Reaching the heights of what you imagine for yourself.  People see you as successful.  You dress and look the part.  Personal appearance and overall demeanour are important career wise.  You are honoured and appreciated these days, not just for your career achievements but also for who you are.  Career is good and you haven’t even reached your peak for the year!  This is a wonderful period for weight-loss regimes and detox programmes.  It is a sexually active kind of period as well.  Whatever your age or stage in life, the libido is stronger than usual. This is a month for getting rid of old possessions that you no longer need and for getting rid of old thought and emotional patterns that no longer serve your interest.  Those of you who are interested in past life regression will find such activities successful.  The love life looks happy this month, expansion of the social life, more dating, more opportunities.  Avoid risk-taking activities from the 21st to the 26th

SCORPIO:   Best Days:  3-4-12-13-21-22-30-31
Make sure you get enough rest.  This month you can enhance your health by giving more attention to the tension around you and not allow it to build up.  If you feel under the weather restore harmony in the marriage and love life as quickly as possible.  If you feel under the weather, get out in the fresh air and breathe deeply.  Health and energy improve after the 21st.finances are much improved these days.  You have had to work harder for earnings but things will pick up near the end of the month.  The log jam, is over.  Financial confidence is good.  Love should be happy this month.  The social life and your social magnetism are at their strongest.  The only problem is that this social focus can be distraction from your financial life.  Ach vies with the other for supremacy – for your attention.  You are mixing with authority figures these days, people above you in status and power.  The good news is that this helps the career.  The social contacts (and your social skills) are very important career wise.  You will be dealing with forms of death, decomposition, detoxification, taxes, secret scandals and the underworld.  Scorpios are sexually active even under normal circumstances: this period even more so.  If you are involved in research projects, learning about secret things, there is success this month.  If you’re the appropriate age, it would be wise to do your estate and tax planning now.  It is also a good time for any kind of exercise or health regime. 

SAGITTARIUS:   Best Days   5-6-14-15-23-24
This is an excellent time for starting new activities or launching new products into the world. Sagittarians are not usually good with details. This month until the 21st. you are better with details than usual.  This is a good time to do those detail-oriented tasks that bore you, such as filing, your accounts, backing up computer files, etc.  Health and energy become much more delicate, as always, the first line of defence is to get enough rest.  Fresh air is always a sure bet for clearing the mind.  Many nice things are happening this month.  An active love and social life with many romantic opportunities for singles be careful not to jump into anything too serious just yet.  Go slow in love.  Observe, get clear what you really want.  Let time reveal the character of the people you are involved with.  You can be overly impulsive in love and this might not be wise.  Be prepared to work harder for your money.  This is a time for doing your homework and getting your finances in order.  

CAPRICORN:   Best Days   8-9-16-17-25-26-27
Doctor’s appointments, and medical tests are best scheduled before the 14th.  Overall health and energy are good this month.  The tendency is to over-work and to be over-serious.  Don’t worry about lightening up for a time.  This is a wonderful period to deal with health-oriented goals.  It is a wonderful time for job seekers. Make sure you resolve all doubts before accepting anything.  Things are not what they seem.  The love life is becoming more active this month.  Opportunities for love affairs, although not necessarily committed kinds of relationships.  Meeting and mixing with socially and professionally prestigious people is also highlighted.  You can advance the career by social means during this period.  Give more of your attention to the home and family.  Finances are good this month.  Earnings should be strong. 

AQUARIUS:   Best Days   1-2-10-11-18-19-28-29
Now your social skills become important.  Your good happens through others and not because of personal merit or personal initiative.  For the next five months or so it will be best to adapt to situations, rather than try to change them.  Although they can be changed, it will only be through an awful lot of effort.  Cultivate ‘likeability’.  Let others have their way, so long as it isn’t destructive.  Your overall health is good, but this is not one of your best periods.  Just rest and relax more.  Work to stay positive, and in a good emotional state.  Negative moods and emotions have a stronger impact on health than usual.  Family harmony is very important in general, but now it becomes a health issue.  If you are involved in detox or weight-loss regimes this is a good period for these.  Love is nostalgic and sentimental this month.  It’s as if you are trying to recapture happy memories and experiences from the past.  There is more socializing from home and with the family this month.  Love is found close to home.  No need to travel far and wide.  Love is basically happy even though there are a few bumps on the road.  There is a tendency to have spiritual and financial disagreements with the beloved but these don’t affect your relationship too much.   The person who can show you a good time attracts you.  You want the fun aspects of love without the onerous duties that often come with it.

PISCES:   Best Days:  3-4-12-13-21-22-30-31
The forces for the next career push are being aligned and readied.  This is a month for emotional healing and cleansing.  It is a time for coming to terms with traumas (especially if they are still active) from the past, and for resolving old memories and experiences.  The interpretation that you put on an event when you were a child is probably not correct, especially when the event is viewed from your present standpoint.  Sometimes we have to go backwards (look at the past) in order to go forwards.  Health and energy are stressed this period, so as always, make sure you get enough rest.  Pushing yourself when you’re tired usually doesn’t speed things up.  There are more mental mistakes and you just have to redo your work.  It is better to rest and work when you have your full energy.  Make sure you’re breathing properly and getting enough air.  If you feel under the weather, get out in the fresh air and do some deep breathing.  Do your best to keep your mood positive and constructive.  Family harmony is good for its own sake, but this period it contributes to your health.  The love and social life also seem centred on the family this month.  You seem more nostalgic in love this month.  Your are trying to recapture high romantic moments from the past.  Sometimes an old flame comes into the picture with these aspects.  Emotional intimacy seems just as important as physical intimacy this month.  Avoid making important love decisions.  Things are not what they seem.  Time will bring clarity to the matter.   

ARIES:  Best Days:  5-6-14-15-23-24
Career issues need time to sort out.  You can shift your focus to your home, family and the emotional life.  Symbolically speaking this is the nighttime of your year.  A good night’s rest is essential for us to perform well and the cosmos supplies this to us.  Night does not mean ‘inactivity’ but a different kind of activity-internal activity that builds up the forces for the next day.  So, this is a time for achieving your career goals by ‘inner’ methods rather than ‘outer’ action, through visualizing, dreaming and imagining that you have already achieved your goals.  Financial goals will have been achieved (or at least good progress towards their achievement will have been made) and the focus will shift to intellectual interests.  This is the time to catch up on those emails, letters and phone calls you owe to others.  It is a good time too take courses on subjects that interest you and to attend lectures, workshops and seminars.  Time to give the mind the nutrition it needs, for it has needs as much as the physical body does.  Those of you involved in sales and marketing should have a good month.  More care needs to be taken when you are communicating with others, to avoid misunderstandings.  If you’re reading a book or attending a lecture, take more time to digest the ideas.  The meaning might not be what you think.  Mercury goes retrograde on May 19th. until June 11th.   When Mercury goes retrograde, it tends to bring delays in communication – letters don’t get delivered or get delivered late.  Emails bounce or there is difficulty accessing the email account.  Phone services can be erratic.  But in spite of these glitches it is still good to focus on communication.

For a detailed psychic reading by Frances call 905-635-9645


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