Horoscopes February 2015
AQUARIUS: BEST DAYS 8-9-17-18-25-26
AN Excellent period for starting new activities, or launching new products. There is lots of fun and sensual delights now. You should see a big change in finances. Money can come in a variety of different ways and through many people. Your partner is very personally involved in your finances. Family members are very supportive; a parent or parent figure seems especially supportive. Singles or unattached Aquarians will find many love opportunities. Wealth and material gifts are romantic turn-ons. Love is shown in material ways. Health and energy are good all month.
PISCES BEST DAYS 1-10-11-19-20-27-28
Now take a bit of a breather and focus on the inner conditions, the psychological infrastructure that makes success possible. The home, family and emotional life needs to be put in right order. It is time to fill up the emotional gas tank that will make future career success possible. This is a time to indulge the body and enjoy the sensual delights. This will be a great time for health regimes. You have plenty of energy to achieve what you want. Job seekers have excellent aspects. Jobs will be seeking you. Make those changes that need to be made. If you make mistakes they will be found out in coming months. If your terms are not destructive the consequences will be pleasant. Love life is improved, bringing social confidence. You look exceptionally good with a lot of charisma and sex appeal. Spiritual lectures, retreats and charity events bring romantic opportunities. This is a happy and prosperous month Pisces. ENJOY!
ARIES: BEST DAYS 3-4-13-14-21-22
Good financial intuition. Pay attention to hunches during this period. Take note of dreams. Spiritual people have important financial information for you. Love is very spiritual and idealistic this month. It shows a romantic or social meeting with a spiritual type of person. This person could also be a very creative type. This is a very nice period for both love and money. Your earning power and social magnetism are much stronger. Keep both feet on the ground in these matters. Focus on your ideal, but don’t neglect the practical issues. Be very careful of what you say and how you say it. They can take umbrage over your tone of voice or your body language. Little things – unintentional things – can set them off. Love comes to you this month. There is no need for you to do anything special; it will find you. Romance is definitely in the air. Your spiritual interests seem to conflict with the career, and perhaps with people involved in your career. These people don’t seem too receptive. It will take a nice balancing act on your part to handle this.
TAURUS: BEST DAYS 5-6-7-15-16-23-24
Focus is on career, and the family seems supportive. Things may slow down a bit because of glitches and delays involved in finances. Payments can arrive late. Deals can be delayed. Customers can change their minds. The bank or credit card companies can make errors and take time to resolve things. Make sure your financial dealings and transactions are as perfect as you can make them. Make sure your account number is on your payment slip and is written accurately. Make sure the customer understands the details of his or her purchase. Avoid making major purchases or investments or important financial decisions during this period. This is a time for financial review, a time for attaining mental clarity on your financial position or pending purchases. You and family members will have spiritual breakthroughs and an active dream life. You will have all kinds of synchronistic and supernatural experiences. You will meet up with spiritual-type friends and perhaps be involved in spiritual or charitable organizations. Health is much improved.
GEMINI: BEST DAYS 8-9-17-18-25-26
Your personal power will start to increase. Your happiness is in your own hands. Start to make the necessary corrective changes now to life’s conditions that displease you. Pursue your own interests. We get what we focus on. There are obstacles to be dealt with, but you will have all the energy you need to overcome them. Your own health and energy needs watching. Make sure to get enough rest. Finances become more stressful you need to work harder to achieve your goals. Love is improved but it is not yet what it should be. There’s no need to make any major decisions yet, just review the options.
CANCER: BEST DAYS 1-10-11-19-20-27-28
The financial challenges you face this month are just temporary bumps on the road. You may be too involved in a spouse, partner or current loves financial activities. This is a good period to cut out waste and redundancy. Go through your possessions. Get rid of what you don’t need or use. You can sell them or give them to charity. This is a good month to channel any spare cash into the repayment of debt. But if you need to borrow, there is good fortune too. A good month, to approach outside investors. Pay attention to your dreams and hunches during this period. A good time for attending investment or financial seminars, to enlarge your knowledge about finance. Make sure you allow enough time to get to your destination. Being late is not acceptable in higher circles. Health and energy should be much improved this month.
LEO: BEST DAYS 3-4-13-14-21-22
Health and energy still need watching. Self-confidence and self-esteem could also be stronger, but there’s a silver lining here. Less self-assertion is needed these days. Continue to let others have their way so long as it isn’t destructive. Be more cautious in financial decision-making. Best to avoid major purchases or investments until after mercury moves forward. After the 11th financial clarity and confidence will return. your social skills and social contacts remain important financially. A good period for making money online, through online businesses or activities. Technology is important financially in general, and you are probably spending more on this these days. A great time for love and socializing. There is a tendency to overdo things, more moderation is needed. Students should do well this month. Your mind is sharp and clear. Learning and communication skills are enhanced.
VIRGO: BEST DAYS 5-6-7-15-16-23-24
Health and energy become more delicate this month. Make sure you get enough sleep. When energy is low pre-existing conditions can flare up and become more severe. Many nice things are happening this month. This means more dating, more parties, more gatherings, and more romance. There is an especially interesting romantic or social meeting occurring between the 23rd and the 27th. There is no need to rush into anything. Let love develop as it will. Children and children figures in your life seem more temperamental this month. They too need to pay more attention to their health. Put your family and emotional life in right order. Focus on your outer, worldly goals. There is more clarity about the career path. Achieve your career goals the old-fashioned way, through work and productivity. Your work ethic impresses the authority figures in your life. Earning power is strong. Apply your spiritual understanding to your financial life. Social skills and social contacts seem very important. Get rid of waste. Get rid of possessions that you no longer need or use. Clear the decks for the new good that wants to come. This is also a good period for paying down debt.
LIBRA: BEST DAYS 8-9-17-18-25-26
An excellent month for starting new projects, business ventures, or for launching new products. It is basically a happy month. Health and energy are much improved. All kinds of new possibilities open up to you. Finances also seem much improved. Job seekers have good fortune from the 18th onwards. There are many opportunities for job seekers. It is a good period to tackle those important ‘detail’ kinds of tasks such as the accounts, bookkeeping, filing, cleaning up the hard drive, etc. The Love life seems happy this month. It seems you are pursuing someone and by the 21st you will catch him or her. The only issue here is the stability of this relationship. Relationships will be tested. You are very socially popular these days, more so than ever. You are devoted to others. You put their interests ahead of your own. You are totally on the side of the beloved (and friends in general). You are there for them. This makes for popularity.
SCORPIO: BEST DAYS 1-10-11-19-20-27-28
If you put in the work, you should prosper. Avoid making major financial changes, investments or purchases. This is a time for fact gathering. Finances are still not what they should be. Health still needs watching. It will also be important to maintain love and social harmony at this time as disharmony here can create physical problems. A fun period will begin around the 18th. A creative kind of period. A great time to be more involved with children or children figures in your life. A happy career opportunity comes to someone close to you. Love seems happy this month. A happy romantic meeting will occur, something fun. Your “drawing power – your attractiveness – is at its height. Love is very idealistic now. And sometimes you project ideals on the beloved when it isn’t warranted. Singles find love opportunities in the usual places: Parties, sporting events and places of entertainment.
SAGITTARIUS: BEST DAYS 3-4-13-14-21-22
Earnings happen but you have to work harder, overcome more obstacles, to achieve them. Some financial disagreement with the family will happen during this period. Perhaps he or she is a financial burden, or sees you as a financial burden. Be careful of clandestine, or covert activity is the financial affairs. Things are not what they seem. You need to do more homework. Health and energy are more delicate this month so be sure to get enough rest. Lack of energy is the primal disease. Give more attention to the head, face and scalp. Physical exercise is also good for you. All kinds of changes are happening on the invisible levels and you will see them later on in the year. This is also a period for emotional healing. It seems to us that we become nostalgic at this stage. The past is very much with us. The mind seems engaged with the past. There are things in your past that you need to resolve. Things you have said that you should apologize for. If you are involved in therapy, there is good progress and many psychological breakthroughs this month. Now it is time to cultivate your social skills and start thinking of other people’s interest rather than your own. Your good happens through others and not so much by personal initiative.
CAPRICORN: BEST DAYS 5-6-7-15-16-23-24
Students need to knuckle down and work harder this year. By doing so they should be successful in their studies this month. For those of you involved in sales, marketing and advertising, success will happen but through more work. Eliminate waste and needless expense. Get rid of possessions you don’t use or need. Reduce the clutter in the home and in the financial life. Simplify your accounting. If you have good ideas, this is a good period to attract outside investors or outside capital. A good period too to pay down debt or to refinance debt in a better way. In general there is more involvement with estates. The love life goes better (in General). This is when your social magnetism will be strongest. You have some good love days. An excellent time to start new activities or launch new products. This is a good period to feed the mind – to give it the nutrition it needs. The mental body, though invisible, is a real body and it needs care and maintenance. Health is excellent and you have plenty of energy to achieve your goals.
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