2017 Augusts Planets and You

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Appointment at 905-635-9645  (Located in Burlington, Ontario).

2017 Augusts Planets and You:

If you know your Moon sign, you should read it also. 


Best days overall:  1-2-3-11-12-20-21-29-30

Two eclipses impact on you this month, but you have all the energy and help you need to deal with them.  Even though your health is excellent, however, it won’t hurt to reduce your busy schedule over the eclipse periods.

Love and current relationships will be tested during this period.  Long repressed grievances (real or imagined) come to the surface to be dealt with.  Either way a good relationship will withstand the stresses and get better.  It is the flawed ones that are vulnerable.  Sometimes singles will decide to change their marital status under this kind of eclipse.  They want to take their relationship on to the next stage.

Your dream life may be activated and generally not in a good way.  Don’t pay too much attention to this.

There are shake-ups and disruptions in spiritual or charitable organizations and guru figures in your life, and in your place of worship.

Avoid foreign travel during this period.  College or graduate-level students tend to make important changes to their educational plans.  Legal issues can take a dramatic turn-one way or another.

So once again as in February, you’re forced by events to redefine yourself.  Once again you will be changing your image, look and presentation to the world.  You will think differently of yourself and thus will want others to think differently of you as well.

Important financial changes are happening.  However consider these changes carefully.  It might be better to plan them now and put them into action next month.  Thus the changes are likely to be good – helpful.

Love is stormy early in the month but gets better later.  There is good harmony with the beloved, and the Solar Eclipse can also bring a happy romantic meeting.  So go slow in Love, there’s no need to rush into anything.


Best days overall:  4-5-13-14-22-23-31

This is a period for making spiritual kinds of breakthroughs.  It is good for the study of sacred literature, for meditation and contemplation and other types of spiritual practice.  There is an inner idealist in every person – this is the time to set it free.

The Lunar Eclipse on the 7th seems to affect you strongly.  (You have to look at a lot more things to see that).  But it generally indicates ‘close encounters’ with death- close calls.  The dark angel comes calling and sends you a love message:  ‘be about the business that you were born to do.  Life here on Earth is short – it can end at any time.”

Important changes will have to be made.  If you are of an appropriate age you’re making changes to your will and insurance policies.  Since this eclipse occurs in your 6th house there can be turmoil at the job or in the workplace.  Job changes are likely.  Often there are health scares and a need to change the health regime.  Take a nice easy schedule over this period – there’s no need to tempt the dark angel more than is necessary.

If you were born early in the sign of Virgo – August 22-24 you will feel it very strongly.  Once again important changes happen in your spiritual life.  This is because of interior revelation that happens (you’re making spiritual breakthroughs this month).  It would only be natural to change your practice and perhaps teachings as a result.  Again as in February there are shake-ups and upheavals in spiritual or charitable organizations that you’re involved with, and dramas in the lives of gurus or church leaders.

You enter into one of your yearly personal pleasure periods.  This is a time for enjoying the pleasures of the body, for getting it into right shape.  It is also a good time to get the image in right shape – the way you want it.

In love it’s all about learning to bridge differences – agreeing to disagree but with love and respect.


Best days overall:  6-7-8-16-24-25

Friends and group activities became very powerful on July 22, and is even stronger this month.  So the month ahead is very social – a happy month.  It is more about platonic kinds of relationships rather than romantic ones.  Romance is likely to happen from these kinds of activities.  Something nice happens romantically on the 1st.

Health is good this month.  Not perfect, but good.  With more energy available to you, pre-existing conditions either fade away or lessen considerably.

We still see you successful this month.  You are elevated; people look up to you and aspire to be like you.  It shows authority and power.  Honours and recognition are likely this month.  In general you’ll have more enthusiasm and zest for the career from the 1stto the 7th, and from the 21st onwards.  A Lunar Eclipse on the 7th impacts on the career and brings dramatic changes – I feel they will be good ones.  Doors open for you (shake-ups in your company or industry – and perhaps with bosses- achieve this).  There can be dramas in the lives of parents and parent figures too.

A current relationship will get some testing.  Sometimes this kind of eclipse signals a change of the marital status.  (Singles often marry or get engaged under this kind of eclipse.)

There is also a Solar Eclipse on the 21st.  Once again friendships get tested.  Your high tech equipment and gadgetry get tested.  Some will need replacement.  Computers and online activity can be erratic this period.  Make sure important files are backed up and do your best to protect yourself against hackers and viruses.  Children and children figures in your life have social dramas.  If they are of an appropriate age, marriages get tested.  Younger ones have friendships tested.


Best days overall:  9-10-18-26-27

There is a lot of activity and change happening in the career.  Continue to watch the health this month – especially around the eclipse period.  Those of you born late in the sign of Scorpio (November 19-22) are most affected – but all of you will feel it.

Health and energy should improve dramatically from the 23rd onwards.  In the meantime try to schedule more rest periods – though you still seem extremely busy.

There is a Lunar Eclipse on the 7th that affects you strongly.  Reduce your schedule over that period and spend more quiet time at home.

If there are hidden problems in the home, this is when you find out about them and can make the corrections.  Family members (and especially a parent or parent figure are more temperamental now and need more patience.  Often this shows that they are experiencing life-changing kinds of events.  Every Lunar Eclipse affects college-level students.  They make changes in their educational plans.

Foreign travel is best avoided during this period.  If you must travel, try to schedule your trip round the eclipse – try not to be on the road or in the air at that time.

There are shake-ups in your place of worship.  Your religious and philosophical beliefs get tested.  (This is a good thing, by the way – sometimes they need revision or discarding.) 

Job changes or changes in the conditions of work are afoot.  There could be health scares too.


Best days overall:  1-2-3-11-12-20-21-29-30

Another healthy and happy month for Sagittarians.  You’re doing the things that you love to do and that you are good at.  You’re travelling (or making travel plans), learning and having religious and philosophical insights.  Finances are good – though there can be some delays involved.

After the 22nd, you will need to rest and relax more.  Diet seems important in health until the 26th.  This is a very good month for losing weight (if you need to).

We have two eclipses this month shaking things up in the world and in your environment, but you seem fairly unaffected.

The Lunar Eclipse of the 7th will test cars and communication equipment.  Some of it will need repairs or replacement.

Sibling and sibling figures in your life are experiencing life changing dramas – perhaps near-death experiences.  You could be experiencing encounters with the dark angel also (he is really an angel of light, but we visualize him as dark because we fear him).  If you’re having dreams of death – which often happens- understand them for what they are: love messages from above urging you to get on with your true purpose in life.  The spouse, partner or current love is forced to make major financial changes by this eclipse.  Sometimes there are dramas with insurance companies or to do with taxes. 

Foreign travel should be avoided – try not to be on the road or in the air during the eclipse period.

There are shake-ups in your place of worship and in your company and industry.

This eclipse seems to open career doors for many of you.


Best days overall:  4-5-13-14-22-23-31

We are concerned with death – not just physical death but the death of old conditions and circumstances.  Perhaps there is too much clutter in your life.  The home is filled with things we don’t need or use.  This is so for the physical body and the emotional life too.  There is a need to get rid of the substances or emotional patterns that are no longer necessary.  Perhaps at one time they were needed – they are not necessarily bad – but now they are just ‘clutter’.

We have two eclipses this month; you don’t seem overly affected, compared with other signs.  Still it won’t hurt to reduce your schedule over these periods.

You’re forced to make important financial changes.  Finances are good this month, by the way, and most likely your strategy was too pessimistic. 

Every Lunar Eclipse tests the love life and the current relationship.  Be more patient with the beloved and try not to make things worse than they need to be.  The grievances and dramas that arise can be a stepping-stone to an even better relationship.  

Business partnerships also get tested.  Thus there are shake-ups at home; perhaps repairs are needed.  A parent or parent figure has personal dramas.  Emotions run high in the family.

There are more shake-ups in your place of worship.  There are encounters with death.  This is not any sort of punishment, only a kindly reminder to get on with the really important things of life – the reason you were born.


Best days overall:  6-7-8-16-24-25

Things are slowing down in the world and in your personal life.  Things might be slow but not boring.  Two eclipses this month, both of which affect you strongly, will liven things up.  You need to take a more relaxed schedule anyway until the 22nd, but especially around the eclipse periods.

You’re forced to re-evaluate yourself, to redefine yourself, to change how you think about yourself.  This is always a good thing to do, but better when it is done voluntarily; here you seem forced into it.  Over the coming months you will present a new image, a new ‘look’ to the world.  Wardrobe often changes, the hairstyle and colouring – things of this nature.

There could be a health scare (it will probably be no more than that) and important changes to the health regime (if you haven’t been careful in dietary matters, the eclipse can bring a detox of the body).

Job changes can happen too.  Students make dramatic changes in their educational plans.

Drive carefully during this period.

Current relationship gets a testing.  This looks like a serious testing.  You go through these things twice every year, but this one is stronger than usual.  Be patient with the beloved.  He or she can be having personal drama and his impacts on your relationship.  Good news is that relationship issues will be clarified for the next 30 days – until the New Moon next month. 

There can be encounters with death – close calls and exposures to it, either through events or dreams.  This is supposed to help you come to terms with death and lose your fear of it.

When you’re in the eclipse period, something strange will happen, or you’ll hear of some strange kind of event.  This is the cosmos telling you to start taking it easy.


Best days overall:  9-10-18-26-27

There may be a feeling of malaise or of being directionless.  In a way this is good, it isn’t necessary for you to be too self-directed.  Go with the flow as they say.  Let others have their way, so long as it isn’t destructive.  Others should come before you now, but you are finding that difficult.  Your sense of your self – your self-interest – still seems very strong.  Cultivate your social skills as much as possible.

There are important changes happening here.  Your attitudes change.  Your spiritual practice will change.  This will happen because of inner revelation, and this is a good thing.  There are upheavals and shake-ups in spiritual or charitable organizations you’re involved with.  There are life-changing dramas in the lives of gurus and guru figures.

There are dramas in the lives of uncles and aunts (or those who play this role in your life).

This eclipse affects your financial area.  So you are forced to make important financial changes – corrections in your strategy thinking and planning.

Job changes can happen – either within the same company or a different one.  The conditions of work change.  If you employ others there can be more employee turnover now. 

There can be health scares.  But your health is basically good, so it is not likely to be anything more than just scares.

Be more patient with the beloved at this time.  Good relationships survive these things, but flawed ones are in danger.  Those of you born early in the sign of Pisces – from February 18th to the 21st, will feel this most strongly.  If this applies to you, reduce your schedule and take it easy this period.


Best days overall:  1-2-3-11-12-20-21-29-30

The month ahead is basically happy and healthy, but two eclipses will create excitement and change.  So take it easy and avoid stressful situations.  There are life-changing kinds of dramas happening with them.  Repairs could be needed in the home.  A need to redefine yourself and your image – the way you think about yourself and the way you want to be seen by others.  This is generally a good thing.  We are always changing and growing and every now and then we need a redefinition.  But this seems to happen in a forced way.  Events force the issue, and this can make it stressful or unwelcome. 

The marriage and social lives of children and children figures get tested.  There is a crisis here.  The Solar Eclipse of the 21st impacts on the affairs of children and children figures in your life.  They have personal life-changing dramas.  Most of the time these are normal things – sexual awakening, leaving school and going off to college, marriage or divorce etc.  But sometimes, especially if they haven’t been careful in dietary matters, the eclipse can bring a disease to the body.

Children are redefining themselves, this will manifest as a new look, a new image, a new presentation to the world.  This will be a six-month process. 

Also this is a time to make important financial changes.  You can have job changes and changes in your health regime.

Overall your health is good as long as you take care of it.  The eclipse can produce a scare, but most likely it will not be more than that.


Best days overall:  4-5-13-14-22-23-31

Continue to work on your emotional wellness and the harmony of the domestic sphere.  We enter a joyful, holiday kind of period.  Fun happens after emotional harmony is established not before.

We have two eclipses this month.  Both seem to affect you strongly so have a more relaxed schedule over those periods.

There are shake-ups happening in your company or industry.  This will most likely require a course correction on your part.  Often there are dramas in the lives of bosses, parents and parent figures.  Sometimes the government changes its rules. 

Cars and communication equipment get tested.  It will be a good idea to drive more carefully.

 Repairs (possibly extensive ones) to the home are necessary.  Any hidden problems in the home are revealed.  Perhaps there are mice or other rodents lurking around.  Perhaps mould has collected in the interior plasterboard.  Perhaps there is a hidden leak in the pipe work.  Now you find out about these things, they show themselves and action has to be taken.  This is inconvenient to be sure, but it is good that the problem is no longer hidden and can be dealt with.

You should avoid major purchases or important financial decisions until September 5th.


Best days overall:  6-7-8-16-24-25

Travel should be rescheduled to avoid the eclipse periods if possible.  If it’s not possible, if you absolutely must travel, allow more time to get to your destination and make sure your tickets are insured.  Protect yourself as best you can.

College students make important changes to their educational plans.  Make sure all papers are in order and very clear as to your desires or wishes.  Perhaps the school you thought you wanted doesn’t accept you but an even better one does.  Expect some mix-ups or delays.  

There will be a need to make more financial course corrections.  Generally this happens due to some sudden expense but it can happen in other ways too.

Cars and communication equipment will get tested and might need repairs or replacement.

Disruptions in the neighbourhood (sometimes due to construction) will cause frustrations at this time.  Getting around your neighbourhood could be a problem, or the post office could change their rules in an inconvenient kind of way.

For those of you born early in the sign of Gemini be very alert at this time especially during the eclipse periods.  Accidents or near death experiences may happen.

Finances are important this month, bringing prosperity and good fortune.  The financial intuition is especially strong now and there is luck in speculation.  The 18th brings good fortune.


Best days overall:  9-10-18-26-27

Prosperity is still happening.  You’re still in a yearly financial peak until the 22nd.  Your financial thinking and strategy need changing.

This month the shift is even stronger from career to focus more on the home, family and emotional wellness.  There is a psychological shift happening in you.

Career opportunities are still happening but you can be more selective about them.  You can opt for the ones that are emotionally more comfortable.

Every lunar eclipse has an impact on our image and personality, and this one is no different.  Once again the cosmos gives you the opportunity to redefine yourself.  Your opinion of yourself hasn’t been realistic and needs upgrading.  It’s always best if you do this redefining for yourself – if you don’t, others will do it and it won’t be so pleasant.  Generally this redefinition brings wardrobe and image changes over the next six months.  Often the hairstyle and overall presentation change.

This eclipse can bring encounters with death.  Perhaps you have dreams about it or thoughts about it.  Perhaps you read some grisly death story or watched a movie that triggers this.  Sometimes one experiences ‘close calls’ – brushes with the dark angel.  The cosmos intends you to get more serious about life.

Students below college level are forced to make important educational changes.

Don’t let people get you involved with their dramas.


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