
Showing posts from June, 2017

Horoscopes for June 2017

If you would like a more in-depth reading about what is ahead   for you, call FRANCES for a  Psychic Reading  Appointment at 905-635-9645  (Located in Burlington, Ontario). FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK 2017 JUNES Planets and You If you know your Moon sign, you should read it also.  GEMINI:   Best days overall: 3-4-13-14-22-23-30 This is a period for some self-indulgence – for catering to the needs of the body and for sensual delights.  It is also a good period for getting the body and image in shape.  Your personal power and independence are still strong.  If you direct this power wisely much will be accomplished.  You have confidence too.  People pick up on this. Love is happy this month.  Singles should NOT marry just yet but you can enjoy romance for what it is ‘in the moment’.  There is a happy romantic meeting or opportunity.  Those already attached have more...