Horoscopes May 2017
FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/psychicfrances/ 2017 MAY’S Planets and You: If you know your Moon sign, you should read it also TAURUS: Best days overall: 4-5-14-15-23-24-29-30 The month ahead is Taurus heaven. It is a month of prosperity. The cosmos impels you to do what you most love to do – focus on finances. There are many nice financial developments happening this month. From the 1st to the 11th could bring sudden financial windfalls. The money people in your life are supportive. You look rich and feel rich. Wealth and earnings should increase. Health is still excellent all month. Any stressful aspects are short-term. You have plenty of energy and with energy, comes increased possibilities. Love is bittersweet this month. You and the current love are in disagreement. You have to work harder on your relationship. The love life should improve next month. ...