2017 Augusts Planets and You
If you would like a more in-depth reading about what is ahead or you, call me FRANCES for a Psychic Reading Appointment at 905-635-9645 (Located in Burlington, Ontario). 2017 Augusts Planets and You: If you know your Moon sign, you should read it also. LEO: Best days overall: 1-2-3-11-12-20-21-29-30 Two eclipses impact on you this month, but you have all the energy and help you need to deal with them. Even though your health is excellent, however, it won’t hurt to reduce your busy schedule over the eclipse periods. Love and current relationships will be tested during this period. Long repressed grievances (real or imagined) come to the surface to be dealt with. Either way a good relationship will withstand the stresses and get better. It is the flawed ones that are vulnerable. Sometimes singles will decide to change their marital status under this kind of eclipse. They want to take their relationship on to the nex...