November Horoscopes by Psychic Frances
NOVEMBERS PLANETS AND YOU SCORPIO: Best Days…1-9-10-17-18-26-27-28 On October 23rd, you began one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks. This is a wonderful period for getting the body and image the way you want it. Good for sprucing up the image and pampering the body. Finances may have felt tight this year, but this month there is prosperity. You have the financial favour of parents, parent figures, bosses and elders. Your good career reputation helps the bottom line. Pay rises – either monetary or in kind will happen. This shows great cooperation and support from the current love, and friends. Business partnerships and joint ventures are favoured. You like to do business with friends and to socialize with the people you do business with. Love matters, you’re moving outside your normal social circle. You’re exploring new frontiers. There is a pause in the love life and then a new direction. A happy lo...