
Showing posts from February, 2015

Chinese Astrology 2015 Year Of The Goat/Sheep/Ram

CHINESE YEAR OF THE GOAT/SHEEP/RAM  2015: RAT:    You will see things are looking up.  Throw yourself a party.  Send some roses to your own house.  And dig out that last bottle of cognac.  There will soon be more where that came from. OX:    Oxen do not function in their usual plodding fashion during Goat years.  Incertitude befuddles the sensible Ox.  He doesn’t tolerate caprice.  But he might be able to learn something by watching the gallant Goat function so stylishly in disaster. TIGER:    Once again its time for travel.  Tiger, you will be bored stiff as a stay-at-home this year.  The goat wishes you away.  He hates being spied upon. CAT:    A happy time for Cats.  Goat years favour all the arts.  Cats revel in such an atmosphere.  They can relax. DRAGON:    A wise Dragon should not involve himself in such light-hearted frippery, but he might ...

Horoscopes February 2015

FEBRUARY’S PLANETS AND YOU: AQUARIUS:    BEST DAYS   8-9-17-18-25-26 AN Excellent period for starting new activities, or launching new products.   There is lots of fun and sensual delights now.  You should see a big change in finances.  Money can come in a variety of different ways and through many people.  Your partner is very personally involved in your finances.  Family members are very supportive; a parent or parent figure seems especially supportive.  Singles or unattached Aquarians will find many love opportunities.  Wealth and material gifts are romantic turn-ons.  Love is shown in material ways.  Health and energy are good all month.    PISCES     BEST DAYS   1-10-11-19-20-27-28   Now take a bit of a breather and focus on the inner conditions, the psychological infrastructure that makes success possible.  The home, family and emotional life ne...