
Showing posts from July, 2012

SATURN “The Planet of Justice” Is At Play

Saturn rules the principles of limitation. It provides the structures within which growth must take place. In the positive : it represents self-discipline and self-control In its Negative: it brings repression and inhibition. The result:   psychological manifestations and can be complicated and are many and varied. Saturn, often provokes difficult or challenging circumstances.   Frequently these can be traced to individual behaviour.   Sometimes self-induced and sometimes brought about by Fate. The external circumstances forces internal change. Saturn causes delays, obstacles and material difficulties. It exposes the hidden and forces the truth to surface. It is the classic saying “you reap what you have sown” in many cases. When it transits through your sign it will cause upheavals, but it will also teach you wisdom if you are so inclined to learn. If you have been good you will get your rewards.   If you have been doing any...