Mars Retrgorade is a Thing of the Past!

Finally, the Mars retrograde is over. What a time this has been. Mercury was retrograde until the beginning of April but we were still left with Mars being in retrograde. But that is now in the past. Get ready for some life changes and things to start moving forward. Enough of life feeling like it is at a stand still, enough of things not budging. Are you tired of feeling stuck? Me Too!!! Here is what you are going to do to focus on the future and make this month a stellar month. Make a list of things you want to achieve, a dream board or a list of prayers for people you know need help. April 21, 2012 is the next new moon. New moons are great times to start new projects, change directions - anything that requires a fresh start. On the evening of the 21st, take your list or dream board and your list of prayers, light a candle and focus on those things for a few minutes. At the very least, close your eyes for five minutes...