
Showing posts from April, 2014

Chinese Astrology For 2014

CHINESE ASTROLOGY AND YOU:  THE YEAR OF THE HORSE: This is a time when you have to give yourself that extra push to make it up the hill.  A lot of activity, and busyness everywhere.  Join in or go home and lock your doors.  People will be trying to get you involved in many areas. RATS: Rats, it’s true, are vibrant souls.  But Horses tend to get in their way.  If a Rat spends all of his time worrying about these unfriendly vibes, he’ll lose a bit of ground for himself.  Ignore the frenzy and go about your work.  It’s the only method of survival. OX: Workers to the fore.  You will gain much from the diligent Horse’s influence. TIGER. Tigers should take Horse years seriously.  They must strive to discover new ways to attack adversaries.  You had last year off.  Remember? CAT: Though Cats do not take kindly to excessive activity, a Horse year is full of promise from a social angle. Go places.  Luck is on your side...