October 2013 - Libra Sign of the Month
The Sign of the Month is: LIBRA THE SCALES SUN SIGN INTERPRETATION : Libra is a sign which spends its life weighing up different possibilities; few signs are so aware of different choices and possibilities as this one. Often Libran types are crippled by indecision, unable to make a firm choice and face the commitment that this involves. Some Librans resolve the dilemma by making a choice and even though it may not be the best option, sticking to it through thick and thin for fear of having to make yet another decision. Ideally Libra's function is to resolve opposing possibilities and to seek a third way. Being an air sign, Libra can use its mind to help with the resolution of all conflicts. This sign is ruled by Venus and one of its major priorities is to establish harmonious and balance partnerships. The importance of successful friendships is such that Librans will conce...