
Showing posts from August, 2013

August It's All About Leo The Lion

SIGN OF MONTH:  LEO SUN SIGN INTERPRETATION:      THIS IS THE MOST EGOTISTICAL, PROUD AND OSTENTATIOUS of all the signs.     At their best creative, artistic, colourful, generous, honest, warm hearted and natural Leaders.  Leonians extravagant and selfish.  They require an audience and even quiet Leos contrive to make an impression - judging their own behavior as reflected in the mirror of audience response.        Personal power is balanced by obligations and duties.  Egocentric Leo must learn social responsibility.  This may mean accepting the need for personal change, but for this obstinate sign change can be particularly difficult.        Leos can be difficult to love or to work with.  They do not take kindly to limitation of any sort but thrive when given the maximum space and freedom.  Their ideal career is acting and they are often found in work connected with the p...