Psychic Frances New Moon Meditation

I love new moons and the energy they bring. New moons are a great time to re-evaluate and refocus on our past wishes and also to start visualizing new ones. You can look at it as a monthly meditation has opposed to a 'ritual'. A lot of people call it a ritual but to me that sounds like work. If you just look at it as a meditation perhaps you will take the twenty to thirty minutes at the time of each new moon to focus on you. You deserve it! Does that not sound so simple? But it is not. Many of us feel we are not deserving and even second guess when good things come our way and think that we will probably loose it. Take the time at the new moon to affirm you deserve it. Write your goals down and visualize it. See yourself being the person you want to be. Make a vision board (board with images of what you want to achieve) if you need to see something more physical. Then decide this week that you are going to do something you have never done before. This could ...