Is There Something To This Psychic Thing?

Is there something more then what meets the eye? Is it coincidence that so many of us had very challenging years last year? I don't know why, perhaps there is something to Chinese Astrology. Last year was the year of the Tiger and I do not know many people that were happy to say goodbye to 2010. I am one of them. So far for 2011 I have been calm and have been having great clarity on my life and the direction I want to take it to. 2011 is the year of the Rabbit. It is supposed to be a calming year for most. I pray it is so. I just went and saw Psychic Frances in Kingston, Ontario. When the new year sets in and I start to get tired of winter, I like to do something to kick start my spring so I go to a psychic. And not just any psychic, I go see psychic Frances. She used to read cards in Thunder Bay, Ontario but has been living in Kingston, Ontario for years now. Thunder Bay's loss is Kingston's gain! Frances is very specific in her card readings. She does not ...